King Solomon's Temple
The British Museum
Ancient Mesopotamia by History Link 101
Educational Site created by The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, Mesopotamia
Nippur Expedition the sacred Mesopotamian city of Enlil
Internet Ancient History Source Book "Mesopotamia"
Women in Ancient Mesopotamia
Article from The Library of Congress, U.S.- Based on information from George Roux 1965
Library of Congress article on Ancient Iraq
Resource Links Page to Ancient Mesopotamia Sites
A Collection of Legal Contracts from Mesopotamia, 2300 - 428 BCE
Ian Lawton's Mesopotamia papers including provocative translations by Zecharia Sitchin, *judge for yourself
Washington State University, Mesopotamia Resource
Livius Articles on Ancient History, Mesopotamia
This site contains objects from the Iraq Museum that are presently at the Oriental Institute
NY Metropolitan Museum, Ancient Near Eastern Art Collecection
Images of the Mesopotamia Collection, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Amazing photo essay of treasures found after Iraq war in Iraq's Museum
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